Date Rape Drugs

Refers to substances that can aid a perpetrator in committing sexual assault/abuse. Some of the drugs commonly used are rohypnol (‘roofies’), GHB, ketamine, ecstasy (MDMA), and/or prescription drugs (i.e. sleep aids, anxiety medication, muscle relaxers, and/or tranquilizers). Street drugs, like GHB, rohypnol, ecstasy, and ketamine can be added to drinks and consumed by the victim (without their knowledge), without the liquid changing colour, flavour, or odor.

If you suspect that you have been drugged or if someone you know has been drugged, get emergency medical assistance immediately. Since you cannot be sure of the dosage that you received and it may not feel like you are having a bad reaction to the drug, it can potentially be fatal.

The Durham Rape Crisis Centre can provide accompaniment if you choose to go to the hospital. Please call our 24/7 Crisis and Support Line at (905) 668-9200 for more information.