Immediate Assistance

DRCC’s 24/7 Crisis and Support Line: 905-668-9200
The Durham Rape Crisis Centre’s Crisis and Support Line is a confidential service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Our 24/7 Crisis and Support Lines offers confidential and non-judgmental support and information to anyone that has experienced any form of sexual violence in their lives.

Sexual violence includes, but is not limited to: sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, incest, childhood sexual assault/abuse, sexual exploitation, and human/sex trafficking.

Family, partners, or friends supporting a sexual violence survivor may also call our crisis line for support.

Read more information about reporting a sexual assault.

What Do I Do?

What Do I Do If I Have Been Sexually Assaulted? If you are sexually assaulted: First and foremost, go to a safe place and if you can, call someone you trust If you feel you ...

Safe Places To Go

There are a number of agencies in the Durham Region that are able to provide a safe and secure environment. Here is a list of shelters and their contact information ...

Safety Plan

Safety Planning Click to download this information in a PDF Following these suggestions cannot guarantee your safety, but they could help make you safer. It is important to remember to create safety plans that are ...

Accessing Abortion Services

Accessing Abortion Services Read the OCRCC's Statement on the Overturning of Roe v. Wade OCRCC-Roe-v-Wade-2022Download Options in Durham Region Surgical Abortion is ending a pregnancy through a surgical procedure done at a hospital or abortion ...

Child Disclosed

A Child Disclosed They Have Been Abused If you know a child has been abused or assaulted, or if you suspect that a child is currently in danger, you have an obligation to inform the ...

I Feel Suicidal

Support Services If You Are Feeling Suicidal In Durham Region, we have a number of services that can support you through feelings of depression, isolation, and/or suicide. These agencies are listed below along with their ...

Crisis Lines and Shelters

Crisis Lines & Shelters Crisis Lines Durham Rape Crisis Centre 24/7 Crisis and Support Line 905-668-9200 Shelters ...

Hiding Your Internet Use

How do I keep someone from seeing what websites I've visited on the Internet? Web Browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox are designed to leave traces behind that indicate where you've been and ...